Featured Member
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Tour leader Duane Heglie (left) talks with Wayne Olts (right) around the nightly campfire during the NPTF Summer Educational Trail Tour
“At age sixteen I was fortunate to be part of an archaeological expedition with Washington State University to the confluence of the Palouse and Snake Rivers in southeastern Washington. We retrieved both prehistoric and historic artifacts, including a peace medal that Lewis and Clark gave to the Nez Perce. My life changed that summer and I went on to study anthropology. Over fifty years later, I have found myself spending the last two summers with the Nez Perce people from the same area, observing and photographing their ceremonies at their homeland in Wallowa, Oregon. This past summer I also explored the entirety of the Nez Perce Trail, the route of their exodus during the War of 1877 as they tried to flee to safety in Canada.
Photography has always been a part of my life. I studied at UC Berkeley and the Academy of Art in San Francisco and have had numerous exhibits over the years. My latest project represents the blending of two my passions as I strive to document the vibrant and rich life of the contemporary Nez Perce while honoring their history. As their spiritual leader Armand Minthorn taught me:
“Today is a good day!”
Well done, Wayne. Qe’ciye’w’yew (Thank you!)
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