Photo Gallery

Voices of Nez Perce Elders
Voices of Elders (movie)

Charlie Moses, Jr., Nez Perce Trail Foundation, attends Tamkaliks Pow Wow, Wallowa, OR

Charlie Moses, Jr., & Myrna Tovey speak of their lineage and family history related to the War of 1877.

Ceremonial purification of the site.

Traditional ceremony of the Wallowa site dedication.

Overseeing “Whip” Woman of the Pow Wow dancers.

Ceremonial “Riderless Horse” at Bear Paw, Montana

Early fish hook and arrowheads from Cache Bar, Snake River.

Camas flower fields near Kamiah, ID create the illusion of a blue water lake in summer.

“Coyote’s stories” were/are used to teach life lessons and relate people to their homeland. Above, the “Heart of the Monster” (located at Kamiah, ID) is from the Nez Perce Creation Story.

Poetic sentiments written by a Wallowa (Joseph’s) Band descendant of the Nez Perce War, inscribed in stone at the Wallowa Homeland site, northeast Oregon.

Remnant of an Old Chief Joseph (Tuekakas) marker designating the Wallowa Reservation boundary of the 1863 treaty, which Joseph did not sign. In 1874, R.M. Downy described them as “being about 3-4 feet wide and about 10 feet tall at the time, built around poles or posts set in the ground.” Old Chief Joseph told him, through an interpreter, that they showed “where his line was to the Wallowa country, and he wanted the white men to know where his lines were.”      These poles were maintained by the Indians until 1877 when they were forced to leave their homeland.

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